Why "You" Matter
As constituents of Senate District 4, we are so diverse and unique- we are 127,000 strong. I fight every day to be a Voice for you that is independent- and speaks out, even if I am standing alone.
We believe in building communities- from neighborhood clean ups; to a Girl Scout selling her cookies in front of Hidden Canyon; to the children playing in Alexander Park off of Gowan and Walnut and the beautiful community garden on Bradley Street. We have managed to rebound from the COVID-19, but we still have more work to do, to create prosperity for our District.
You have allowed me to represent your perspectives and be your voice in the Nevada Legislature. You have called me on the telephone and expressed what bills you want and what you need.
We need each other. You are a powerful voice. We need to still make changes and invest in paid leave programs for workers, healthcare, stabilize education, living wages, and build stronger small businesses.
I have been your Legislative Advocate since 2010. You trusted me to represent your interests for 11 years in the Assembly, and then you trusted my leadership for the State Senate in 2020. I have been a consistent and pragmatic leader.
Let's continue our fight so that Nevadans can have the prosperity that has been promised to them.

Community Programs/ Projects
- 2018- Created Project 354- a Workforce Program specific to District 7, to help make sure young adults and adults looking for a job or career, can be assisted effectively. It is a program focused on reducing the unemployment rate in District 7 to single digit, because we are currently at 13 percent unemployment in the district. It makes workforce providers develop solutions and change processes to effectively interact help residents find work.
- 2011 to present: Youth Justice Program for 5 years- we teach youth legal rights in a school environment and also civil rights
- 2015- I created a free adult math proficiency program- at Cheyenne high school for 4 weeks, paid licensed math teachers- because we found out adults weren’t passing “union” exams. We walked flyers into the neighborhoods-off of Alexander and Simmons- Eastside Craig and Walnut area. We had some success- because others liked the program that they re-created it- and now it is being offered at Regional Housing Authority.
- 2015- We performed a Saturday resume editing class your adults- I partnered with Workforce Connections, DETR, lawyers, to review writing and help folks edit their resumes- we gave free USB drives to participates to save their work- We walked the fliers into the neighborhoods. We were blessed that 7/11 on Simmons and Cheyenne let us put fliers for resume classes on their counter The community store on Alexander and MLK let us put gloss fliers on the counter. - We worked very hard to make sure we let the constituents of District 7 know- beyond Face book.
- 2013 to present: Nevada Grow Business Development Program- ran it as a community program before the bill
- 2013-2011- Health care Forum
- 2012- Hosted statewide Conference on Teen Pregnancy